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How do I cancel my policy after I've paid?

Sorry to hear you’re thinking about cancelling your policy. It’s easiest to cancel your policy online.

To cancel, just follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyAviva.
  2. Select your Aviva Home policy and choose Details.
  3. Scroll down to the My policies section.
  4. Find the home insurance policy you wish to cancel and choose Cancel policy.
  5. On the next page, choose the date you want the cancellation to take place. If your policy hasn’t started yet make the effective date of cancellation the same as your policy’s start date.
  6. You'll then have the option to tell us why you're cancelling your policy.
  7. The next page details any cancellation fee or refund you owe or are due.
  8. Choose the Cancel policy button.

You’ll now have cancelled your policy with us.

What are the cancellation fees?

  • If you cancel before your policy start date, you'll receive a full refund.

  • If you cancel within 14 days of purchase or renewal of your policy (or on the day you received your policy documents, if that is later) and cover hasn’t started we’ll refund any premium paid.  If cover has started, you'll be charged a £30 cancellation fee (plus Insurance Premium Tax where applicable) to cover our administration costs and we’ll reduce your refund to pay for the time you've been covered.

For more details on our cancellation terms and conditions, please refer to the 'General Conditions' section of your policy document.

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